APX CPS includes versions 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21. Name, Last modified, Size. Parent Directory, -. Astro25 Mobile CPS R07.00.00, RIP, ...
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I could also use this. I found an older version on the forum. I was unaware of the point system to download it. ... here's the link if it helps.. APX TM 8000HXE ALL-BAND P25 HAZLOC PORTABLE RADIO As our flagship radio for fire and rescue, the APX 8000HXE is designed for the most hazardous .... Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Motorola Astro 25 Portable CPS With Tuner RVN4181AV Programming Software at the best ... 5e49a73007